5/1/07 - We saw a bluebird sitting on the fence surveying the birdhouses nearby. I truly hope that she decides
to nest near our farm. I would love to watch her progress.
Our gardens have become a nursery.
We have a bluebird couple nesting in the Fiesta bird house on the garden shed.
I observed the mail feeding the female a nice worm. The babies have not hatched yet, but will soon, I think.
We also have a killdeer who has built her nest in a dried horse apple in the back
forty. When we come around her, she leaves the nest and does a hurt bird act to draw us away. It's amazing to
watch her. We have started placing a guard by the nest when we let the labs out to run. I would feel so bad if
those babies got hurt.
7/26/07 - Update on the birds - Our cat got the momma bluebird. (I bought her a bell, so it shouldn't happen again.)
The chicks had hatched and the dad continued to feed them. I think they have all flown away. I checked the nest
and there are no little dead bird bodies. I hope another bird "couple" comes back next year.
The killdeer hatched out two of her eggs and left one behind. We never saw the babies, so I hope the cat dodn't
get them too.